Monday, June 25, 2012
Life is so busy, and unemployment only makes it worse.  Libby loves lists and tonight she's getting one so I can keep my head straight.

1. Old boss about new job position
2. Wheat Team Leadership
   a. divide call lists
   b. send dates & reminders for Leadership Training
3. Bridesmaids about shower
 a. Find location, i.e. someone's house
 b. Set date
 c. Fill every one in on my ideas
d. Reply to Aliya
4. Sacristans for Leadership Training
5. Email Frank with reviews

To do:
1. Make Excel spreadsheet for attendance
2. Enter emails into gmail
3. Create a TEC list in gmail
4. Collect fecal sample from Fitz & take it to the vet
5. Clean kitchen before Summer comes home
6. Make Welcome Home poster for Summer
7. Organize TEC binder
8. Collect loose photos and fit them into photo albums
9. Return Leslie's books
10. Return Red's book
11. Turn in paperwork to Stephanie on Tuesday at Trivia
12. Call 4 people on list back
13. Watch Donald Glover clip
14. Order new lid to replace the one I broke
15. Send Grandma a thank you card
16. Finish reviewing Frank's script
17. Refill Maxalt
18. Check out Old Navy's new cardigans

Make plans with:
1. Leslie (& Red)
2. Nadia
3. Lindsey
4. Lindsay & Alex - Babysitter's Club Party (plan)

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