Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Fall is here.  Not because the calendar ticked into September.  Not because school is back in session.  Not because the stores are selling Fall items now.  It is officially fall because my big floof cat wants to snuggle in bed at night again. September 22nd was far too long for him to wait.

I once dated this guy who was not a cat person.  Or a pet person really.  (A red flag that was hard to ignore.)  He came over one fall day and was hanging out on my couch when the big floof proceeded to cuddle him.  He was shocked and surprised at how soft the floof was.  Was it a red flag for him when I later held up the big floof next to my face and said "Imagine falling asleep next to him"?  

As my fellow office cat owner and I like to say, "The only reason people think cat owners are crazy is because they haven't owned a cat yet."

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posted by Songs of Love at 1:31 PM |