Saturday, November 21, 2020

It’s sunny and in the low 70’s in November, and it’s a Saturday. Today is going to be a good day!

I’m still not close to digging all of the fancy stones out of my front garden bed, but I’m finally finished with one side. I can add my Aster and the white lilies and maybe I’ll luck out and I can plant my other bulbs by the sidewalk too. 

Tess is excited about this endeavor. Possibly mostly because this gives her a better defense on guarding the front yard. We have a rooster that drops by to visit at least once a day and she has been harrumphing about not scaring him off. Last month he walked into my backyard twice. The first time I was mowing the lawn and that didn’t even scare him. The second time I opened the gate so that Tess and I could walk to the garage and there he was on the other side of the gate. Tess flew across the yard chasing him & he pouted in the very back once I caught her and shoved her into the house. He’s very people friendly and always comes up to the house if I pop out to take his picture. My mom’s worried about what will happen to him when it really gets cold, but he sticks to a routine when he passes by, I have to think he has a home & they just don’t care that he wanders. He’s smart enough to never go near the road. 

Meanwhile the cabbage and the kale are really starting to develop. The lettuce is all so much smaller and is going to take a lot longer to pick. My next set of radish is ready to pick and the pepper plants I’ve been bringing in have a few peppers and new flowers! I have some grow lights in my garage for the seedlings but I don’t think they could also keep all of the potted plants alive. The previous owners added a lot of storage shelves to the garage, enough to make it too difficult to fit a second car in there. I have no idea what their load bearing limit is though. I might be able to hang a larger grow light from at least one of them. 

This is still my favorite TPC song. Listening to their old stuff just makes me so happy. Good music, good gardening weather, snuggly cats, cheesy Mexican food, new glasses, new migraine medicine, new growth, new nail color, new fuzzy socks, and my power & utilities are on and I don’t have to call more people to complain to fix that stuff. The making of a great weekend in.

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posted by Songs of Love at 11:56 AM |