Thursday, February 9, 2012
Have you ever listened to a band or song, fallen in love, gone to share it with a friend or significant other and then been dumped on and hated the said band or song? Enter The Quiet Company. I first heard their album Songs For Staying In and fell in love with them from their music down to their album cover. I was like, "Oh man this band is so awesome. I love these songs so much. How do I share it with my boyfriend? Should I make it into the album + a mini mix or should I just straight up give him the album?" And then he broke up with me. So as you can imagine my love for the band was put on hiatus. I still really like them; it just hurts a lot to listen to them, every fucking time. I've never really officially shared this band with anyone. My friend is looking for music to keep her in a happy wedding planning mood and I really want to tell her about this album but it's just like I can't allow the words to come out of my mouth to start that conversation. Maybe she'll eventually come across this and I can be like, "Yeah, I tried to try."


posted by Songs of Love at 1:09 AM | 0 comments
Valentine's Day.

Let's talk about it. Let's not ignore it.

I already washed my sexy lingerie so that it would be clean on all hearts day. My plan is to look really good so that I'll feel really good to try and balance out some of the self hatred that lingers in the air on that day. I have not decided if I will try to make this day corny too with a corny romcom, a giant bottle of wine, and some kind of sweets - cookies or brownies or cake. My alternative is to avoid the world at all costs and drink my bottle of wine downstairs in my room doing who knows what. Either way I will be avoiding Facebook. I encourage this, especially to those of you who, like me, are inclined to the snappy offline comments.

I really, really, really hope my sister has plans so that I can have the house to myself. Plus it would help justify the spite I have towards her for ditching me lately for her events group. I also want to be justified so that my suspicions that she's secretly texting one of those guys will be spot on.

Also if you are single and you want to torture yourself, keep on listening to Quiet Company.

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posted by Songs of Love at 12:04 AM | 0 comments