Have you ever listened to a band or song, fallen in love, gone to share it with a friend or significant other and then been dumped on and hated the said band or song? Enter The Quiet Company. I first heard their album
Songs For Staying In and fell in love with them from their music down to their album cover. I was like, "
Oh man this band is so awesome. I love these songs so much. How do I share it with my boyfriend? Should I make it into the album + a mini mix or should I just straight up give him the album?" And then he broke up with me. So as you can imagine my love for the band was put on hiatus. I still really like them; it just hurts a lot to listen to them, every fucking time. I've never really officially shared this band with anyone. My friend is looking for music to keep her in a happy wedding planning mood and I really want to tell her about this album but it's just like I can't allow the words to come out of my mouth to start that conversation. Maybe she'll eventually come across this and I can be like, "
Yeah, I tried to try."
Labels: Quiet Company