Friday, August 12, 2011
Although completely nostalgic, I had a great time reconnecting with my friends on my latest trip to Athens. And then it came, the awkward time when most of my good friends left early and I stayed with the birthday girl and her friends. All of her friends were being extremely nice and I thought I was too, so we were all having a great time and then the switch from tipsy to drunk was flipped.

And this is what I learned: I am a complete jerk to any guy who doesn't want to be friends - when I'm drunk. Sometimes it's that feeling that you're too drunk to say what you want to say mixed with the inability to stop slurring, and in those cases I am a cold hard bitch, or well, a near mute. Come to think of it, there really aren't any other conditions or cases. I would rather freeze someone out than share a long conversation in which I might make a total fool of myself. And I think this is why I can't make guy friends, who aren't gay, even when there is loads of potential. The minute things get awkward or it seems like there is anything more than a friend vibe, instead of addressing it and avoiding it, I just shut the hell up. And the more I think about it, that's kind of one of my biggest vices and the more I realize how far its reaches are, the more I want to work to stop doing that. Is it a step to becoming a better human being? I hope so.

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posted by Songs of Love at 11:24 PM |