Wednesday, July 11, 2012

1. Bridesmaids about shower
 a. Find location, i.e. someone's house
 b. Set date
 c. Fill every one in on my ideas
2. Email Frank with reviews

To do:
1. Return Leslie's books
2. Return Red's book
3. Turn in paperwork to Stephanie
4. Order new lid to replace the one I broke
5. Send Grandma a thank you card
6. Finish reviewing Frank's script
7. Refill Maxalt
8. Make or buy snack for Sunday's meeting
9. Find lost bangle bracelet
10. Bring baby magazines to Nadia
11. Buy candy supply for office

Make plans with:
1. Leslie (& Red)
2. Nadia
3. Lindsey
4. Lindsay & Alex - Babysitter's Club Party (plan)

Blergy blerg. Clearly I still need to conquer this list.  I started my new job today and then promptly got a migraine from the storm that rolled into town.  I'm a mix of friendly towards the employees I already know and shy with a friendly smile towards everyone else.  I still have so much TEC stuff and bridesmaid stuff to do. I'm going to have to block out chunks of time this week for it.  I can always allow about forty minutes for "brainstorming" while I try to fight my way through the suburban commute.  My biggest problem is trying to close my brain down at night so that I can get enough sleep.

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posted by Songs of Love at 1:56 AM |