I really should be in bed already. I think this pretty much every night. That and
Why is it so damn hot?
I have been devoting a lot of time to reaching my reading goal this year which I was naive enough to leave at the recommended 50 and not adjust like a lot of my smarter friends with social lives. This leaves me trying to read just over 4 books a month which can get a little hectic. I am 25 pages away from finishing my 4th for August, a week early. I have been one book (or half a book) behind being on target for my goal but that stops tonight.
I might feel like shit leaving the house at 7:00am tomorrow, but I'll feel like shit anyway because I hate mornings and I hate how school traffic makes you feel like you could be 10 to 15 minutes late easily.
Yay goals!!!!
Labels: books, goodreads, reading