Wednesday, June 8, 2011
I need something to get lost in. If I'm not going to find a job any time soon, I'm going to need an adventure. I just can't stay here with the state of things. I will not work myself up over things that are out of my control. I will not fall any farther into this mess of emotion. I am salvageable.

All of my dreams are filled with this giant sense of adventure and I'm so much braver than I trust myself to be in them. I want to live. I want things to write home about. I want to write something every day that excites me. I have this chunk of money to fall back on if I need to, okay it's not that big but I could survive on it if I can't find a job right away. I'm like five steps farther off track from falling in love, but I don't think I could handle any more intensity right now. I really want simple right now. A simple place to dive off into adventure. Even if it scares me.

We're a kiss away from being dangerous
Kiss me and show me that it's true

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posted by Songs of Love at 2:59 AM | 0 comments
Friday, June 3, 2011
Beach Yo's:
1. My hair is much lighter/brighter.
2. My freckles are back in full force, even on my knees.
3. I am no longer as pale as the oldest person on the beach.
4. Friendly's always has the ice cream sundae of my dreams.
5. I was able to talk to Nadia.

I came to my family's time share hoping that I could have a nice time and relax, but I forgot that I hate the beach. It combines all of the elements that I hate: sun, sand, and salt water. Mom left Wednesday so it's just my sister and me now. My sister loves the beach. We have one car. Guess who's staying at the beach until THE LAST DAY POSSIBLE!??? Us, yaaaaaaaaaaaay.

I miss seeing Fitz every day. I really want to go home, cuddle with my cat and make plans with my friends. I need to find a job and finish painting my new room too. Eh.

Fun Fact:

Apparently Libby has been viewed in Russia, Slovenia, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Spain, and Argentina.


posted by Songs of Love at 1:57 AM | 0 comments