Wednesday, June 8, 2011
I need something to get lost in. If I'm not going to find a job any time soon, I'm going to need an adventure. I just can't stay here with the state of things. I will not work myself up over things that are out of my control. I will not fall any farther into this mess of emotion. I am salvageable.

All of my dreams are filled with this giant sense of adventure and I'm so much braver than I trust myself to be in them. I want to live. I want things to write home about. I want to write something every day that excites me. I have this chunk of money to fall back on if I need to, okay it's not that big but I could survive on it if I can't find a job right away. I'm like five steps farther off track from falling in love, but I don't think I could handle any more intensity right now. I really want simple right now. A simple place to dive off into adventure. Even if it scares me.

We're a kiss away from being dangerous
Kiss me and show me that it's true

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posted by Songs of Love at 2:59 AM |