Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Okay Grandpa, back off. I had no idea you were going to be staying all week. You may be used to being accommodated by everyone else but I can't drop everything for you. I came home to spend time with my family instead of staying to celebrate with my fellow graduates in Athens. I've been here for four days and if you're still here next week, I'll see you then too. Drop that rude attitude and don't try and tell me I'm not giving you a straight answer. I did, three times, the same answer. Dad had planned to move my furniture out of Athens next weekend, and I have things I need to pack up before he can do that. Yes I will be moving in to Summer's place as soon as it is finished being painted. And so what if I do want to see my friends this week and hang out with them? Georgia is a lot hotter than Michigan and will only get hotter. Excuse me for wanting to take advantage of an unusual cool front.

And further more, irritating me is not really encouraging me to go up to Michigan for your surprise birthday party. I love you, but you don't know everything that is going on or how hard it is to stay here with you here. Blame mom, but don't get mad at me.
posted by Songs of Love at 6:28 PM |