I need more sweaters. I haven't realized how much sweater envy I've been accumulating. It's only natural that I want more, I only have six? I think six. And dresses, and shoes. Maybe I should just work on getting new clothes for my birthday, which is in 18 days, well 17? Which means Sarah's is in 21/20 days!!
Today I had a Roman Culture test. I kept writing and writing for the short answer and extra credit so I hope that helps me. I got my Dance test back, a B, and my in class essay for Western World Lit got at A-! So I need to stay positive, and not let stress overcome me. My 3rd test is next Wednesday and my paper is due Friday. I hope it's due Friday at midnight like the outline+thesis was, cause that would be wonderful!
I am accumulating quite the number of scars. I still have a pretty colorful bruise on my knee from hitting a pole on the Milledge bus plus a few more minor bruises. My ice cream scar is not healed, though it is more than 2 months old. It dips into my skin and I'm starting to think the pink will fade but the dips might not grow fully back. Monday I walked into a ladder at work. Wednesday I burned my hand cleaning a waffle maker. The burn has been getting smaller over the week, but I kinda love it's initial shape. It reminds me of a leaf or a wing or a feather, and now I want this shape tattooed on me somewhere obscure and random or I want the scar to last a little while. I might be crazy.
I still have a bunch of reading to catch up on this weekend, but this week I'm throwing myself into my American lit. I've been reading it too long, because I've begun an ode to Park Hall. I almost got ran over by a dear neighbor on my walk from the bus stop, so I wrote him a real swell ode to. Once I fix it up a little I'll share it.
Here ends my update on my factual life. Wait about maybe an hour to get my thoughts on love, life, and utter confusion.