Thursday, November 5, 2009
Leave the light on.
I was searching for some old John Mayer song and when awoken by reality found myself listening to some song he made very sadly to sound eighties-ish. Then I found myself listening to little kids singing the Kookaburra song, which was adorable. My dad's childhood nickname was kookaburra because he apparently looked like one, which is either really mean or really clever.

Then somehow I ended up listening to White Dove, which is so so sad, but when you're writing sad stories do you put fun songs like Poker Face on? No no no no.

Good thing nothing can control my dreams anymore. All I ever dream about is driving illegally with really poor breaks and feeling awful about breaking the law and being frightened about almost dying when the breaks give out. The rest of the time it's just nightmares about Bolton.
posted by Songs of Love at 2:11 AM |