Monday, February 14, 2011
This weekend, minus the horrible upset that occurred Saturday morning - afternoon, was great. I have less than a 100 days until graduation and I think it's time to make the best of it. I actually enjoyed myself downtown on Friday night and am willing to go out more if my little Melissa is willing to do my hair & make-up like she promised. I'm so lazy with my look, it feels real nice to look real nice. It appears I am all intimidating downtown, guys are really stupid to believe that but it's so much easier to let them believe that than pretend to flirt. Let's be honest, I can't flirt. But I am really good at talking up other girls. Best example? Kaitlyn, with two different guys, who both ended up liking her. So I think I should just embrace it and learn to be a wing woman.

I spent Sunday baking cupcakes and heart shaped cookies with my other friend Melissa. I was expecting more girl talk about this guy in her creative writing class that she was trying to flirt with. No guy who has half a brain can resist her adorableness. Apparently I was right because she ran into him Friday night and he asked her on a date and it just sounded ADORABLE. I love that early stage of liking a guy and the flirting and the uncertainty of what's going to happen next. The butterflies and the flirty texts and the never ending smiles. It's the best. I am so happy for her! I want this for more of my friends, so wing woman I must! I should probably rewatch How I Met Your Mother and take lessons from Robin.

I really need to edit my Top Secret "Girls Only" Mix, The Innermost Thoughts of a Girl In Like. I think it's time to start distributing it. Nakeem had asked me for it when I first constructed it but it felt wrong giving a guy access to these top secret girl thoughts. I mean, I feel if you can understand this mix you can get almost any girl, and that's a power not all guys can handle. Or should have.
posted by Songs of Love at 1:49 AM |