Monday, February 7, 2011
Dear friends,

I would like to fight my case for feeling better with a simple pro/con list, excluding all talk about a boy or a relationship or how it makes me feel. I would also like to give you a break from my inner ramblings. So the positive side, let's jump in!

- I lost weight (5+ lbs).
- I finally bought hot new clothes (which I look even better in due to lost weight).
- My "new year/new me" hair cut is cute, simple, fun, and I'm still getting compliments on it.
- I have not become an alcoholic.
- I am actually excited to move in with my sister.
- I have plenty of time to play with Fitz.
- I am finally bonding with my littles.
- I have AMAZING friends.

- Loss of appetite = I'm not eating as many delicious foods as I'd like to be.
- Food goes bad when you don't eat it.
- Fitz cries on long car rides when he hears the windshield wipers.
- It rains a lot.
posted by Songs of Love at 2:04 AM |