Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Somehow I managed to get shit done, pick up food AND EAT IT, napped, copied missed notes, watched a movie, wrote some prose poetry and play with Fitz despite the hell I woke up to. AND I didn't have a friend come over. I did it all alone...on a gloomy rainy day. I'm proud of myself even if to the outside world this sounds like nothing to get excited over.

I'm still tense with my music collection but I'm gonna try to sort through it and make a mix about being married and being scared. Then I need to make a mix to make me feel really happy afterward. I kinda chose a really dark complex subject for my creative writing project. Maybe that's a good thing? I don't know.

In case I try to engage you on my project and you actually read my blog, here's a little bit about it. We have to pick a character in a certain time period and we have to use real sources for that time period or event. So my characters are inspired by two of my middle school teachers who got married, he's this funny, dorky 7th grade science teacher and she used to teach 7th grade Language Arts. I'm gonna set them back a few years though - 1999/2000, back when there were so many threats of violence in schools. It's based on their disagreements, trying to start a family in such a threatening environment, and her miscarriages.
posted by Songs of Love at 2:08 AM |