Tuesday, January 31, 2017
There are a lot of times when I want to censor Libby.  Times when I want to go back and delete and edit and treat it like one of my fiction pieces.  I have been reminded recently how much of myself I have put into Libby - 'diary entries, letters of love, my notes on love and life.'  It's scary to think that my thoughts over the years have survived and that someone could get to know me without meeting me.  That's the internet for you, right?

But what about when you meet someone new?  Do you share all of the bad with the good?  The whole blog as it were?

I brought up Libby with both a coworker and an old work friend this past week, no relation to each other, no relation to what I've been writing about lately.  I described Libby as a great way for me to clear my head or to get into the proper head space for writing.  In both cases I brought up wanting to create a separate place to share my writing.  Neither person asked any follow up questions about Libby and I was relieved because I didn't want to share it with them.

So if I don't want to share Libby with new people, who do I expect to see it?  I certainly don't link it anywhere to drive traffic.  I have started going back and adjusting the labels, mostly so that I can find content about writing or family with just a quick search.  Most of the labels I had were continuations on a rant or clarifications on my feelings. I guess then that I write Libby for myself to see, to document and remember that with which I struggle with.

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posted by Songs of Love at 11:59 PM |