Sunday, November 19, 2017
The wind outside is fierce.  I have so much to say, but no idea who I'm saying it to.  My memory is so iffy lately that I'm thinking of starting a physical journal to chronicle all the little things that get said and done, but not written down.

I can never remember things fully.  Just the associated emotions.

My recovery is moving a lot faster than I expected.  My family did point out how severely bruised and sore I was all over going into surgery the first time, so I guess it makes sense.  There was so much uncertainty about whether I would need a second operation.

I am only going to be positive about this surgery and do all the assigned work.  I am going to end up happy and healed. I am going to hit my garden with full force in the spring, but I'm going to be more cautious with all the weights.  Be more creative with how I move large plants. Invite teamwork.    Maybe I'll have some nerve damage in my finger for a month, a year, a decade.  Maybe eventually I'll stop noticing it.  Maybe one day I'll bashfully look into drumming lessons.

I can't do over the past two years, but I can do better for the next two.

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posted by Songs of Love at 1:35 AM |