Monday, October 6, 2008
There's something about growing older that makes you act bolder.
And smile wider, even when doing Statistics homework because hey, it's your birthday, and knowing that just makes you smile wide all day.

My adorable roomate, Yu, thinks thinks this guy in one of her classes is cute. She is very happy with her Harvard boyfriend, but she still gets flustered by really cute guys. Which is perfectly normal, for any girl, but is adorable on her. She still struggles with how to communicate her feeling in English and always wants to know the proper way to say things.
So in trying to describe to me why she thought he was cute she said, "He's kinda beautiful."

And then we had a good laugh. I don't know, maybe you have to know her.
She's just so damn cute.
posted by Songs of Love at 12:40 AM |