Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I'm making mixtapes, i'm not sure who all will be getting one, but they are going to be awesome.
Nikki made me 2 mixtapes and gave them to me last week & I already had two started for her, so that will be two for Nikki. Roomie just made me one, so that will be one for her. Or maybe just a memory stick with some Cursive & Be Your Own Pet. I think they both will scare her a little, but they are lovely in their own aspects and I think she could like them. Janie's birthday is Sunday and I'm thinking up the prettiest mix for her. I can't find the list of the one I made her last year, so let's hope I don't repeat myself.

I love mixtapes. I know it's two separate words, but in my head it can only ever be one word.
Mixtape. Love.
posted by Songs of Love at 5:26 PM |


At February 6, 2009 at 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
Well, I am waiting...
And I am never frightened by music. Just possibly the people who make it.

Hearts, stars, and horseshoes,

At February 8, 2009 at 9:03 PM, Blogger Sarah Loves to Bake said........
mmmm i would love some new music. maybe i could be included?

i will be home march 6-8 and easter weekend. we should try to hang out during one of them!