Friday, January 23, 2009
Dear God,
I've been acting like a fool and feeling like an idiot. Where are you?

So basically I am throwing my "I won't use this to bitch" comment to the wind.

Dove Chocolate.
It's tasty. It's delicious. And hey, they even give you a little inspirational message. How nice of them. That is until they begin to screw with your life. Get ready, I'm about to turn really psychotic now.

I like(d) someone I'm not supposed to like. So this whole event occurs around the time that I decided it wasn't just not okay to like him, but that I just had to get over it, all of it. You see, I can't just get over things. I think I'm well done and over and I put it through my head to not go back and guess what happens. Something causes my heart to flutter and all at once I know I'm back to that place. Back to liking someone who things wouldn't work out with.

I ate a lot of Dove Chocolate and found myself reading messages like, "Tell someone a secret," and "Follow your heart," or "Be true to your heart." Something positively pathetic like that.

But no, I held on to my feelings. Screw you Dove chocolate, you give the worst advice.

[EDIT: I removed basically the whole story from the middle. It was so pathetic I had to get rid of it. So that's why it looks empty and flows awfully.]

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posted by Songs of Love at 12:21 AM |