Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Finals are next week and I should be freaking out already, but I'm in a good place and I'm going to do my best to study as much as I can. I got a call back from CAPS and the woman I had my initial consultation appointment with picked me up from the waiting list. I'm really excited because I felt really comfotable with her. She's a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and she's probably only in her late 20's or very early 30's.

From here I have 6 to 10 sessions with her and then she has to recommend me to a therapist in the community. I'll probably be in Athens for the summer to take summer classes so I'll be able to continue seeing her throughout the beginning of the summer and then we'll see what I'll do.

I have more hope than I used to and she fills me with even more hope. Our consultation appointment was right before my latin class and econ test, but I went into both calm and feeling prepared, rather than my normal anxious self. I'm taking a semester off latin, which sounds like a horrible idea, but I always feel anxious and not good enough in that class. I need time to get better before I put myself through that again.

I was thinking about starting some kind of side project to follow my depression and treatment. I'm not sure if I could let myself be that vulnerable in front of everyone, but i see it as a release.

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posted by Songs of Love at 5:24 PM |