Thursday, December 9, 2010
Oh wow, nights really are the worst. Your brain doesn't stop thinking and remembering and attempting to problem solve. My bed is damaged goods now. Too many important things happened there: the time he asked to date me, the time he told me he loved me, and now the time he broke up with me.

I've been thinking about those finals I have to take. Can I just write on the top of the page: My boyfriend broke up with me on Reading Day.

I'm just saying, can we weigh that into the equation when grading my essays that may not seem to flow from point to point thoroughly or if God forbid after 3 hours I still haven't finished writing because I can't block my brain to harmful thoughts? It's a lot of unforgiving pain to accompany all this terrifying end of the semester stress.
posted by Songs of Love at 1:10 PM |