Monday, March 7, 2011
Lindsey made a great comment that this song plays at great moments in shows & movies. I agree but there's something overwhelmingly saddening in Cat Power's songs, or at least the ones I like. Her voice is smooth and soft, almost like it follows in motown's footsteps but not really. It's beautiful and it's sad and no matter how a show or film tries to use it that's how I feel about it.

I don't know if it's a side effect from watching shows aimed for teens, Pretty Little Liars, or if it's the music or if it's an accumulation of sad days and better days but I want to cuddle with someone so badly. Make out with a guy, cuddle with someone warm, hold hands with someone sweet, smile with a cute stranger. That's the current range of my Wanting Something Sweet meter. I want my little dial to click click click from one to the next. But I know I'm not ready. The only dial going click click click in my life is on a countdown to graduation and job search panic mode.

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posted by Songs of Love at 9:48 PM |