Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Hard to believe, but I am ahead on my reading challenge.  I have three more books to read and I will be at 50 finished books this year. I did a pretty good job of going back to finish those books that were harder to get through, but I still have 2 from this year.

The other educational journey I have been taking this year is into the deep fangirl heart of Beatlesmania with the Beatles Channel on Sirius XM.  I don't remember much of Peter Asher when I studied the Beatles in school (History of Rock Music in college and Beatlesmania, a talented and gifted (ha!) class in high school).  Peter Ascher, a fellow redhead, is the host of most of the segments and is a nerdy delight!  He tells all these great stories from when Paul lived with his family, from when Paul dated his sister Jane, and all these fantastical anecdotal stories about their recording process, stories behind some of the songs, and stories from his experiences with the band. 

Yesterday they were recording live from Abbey Road, telling stories about both the iconic Abbey Road Recording Studio and taking requests from fans as they waited to make the iconic crossing.  So today I spent the better part of the day listening to Abbey Road the album.  I remember the days I used to listen to it straight through in some sort of dream, happy state.  I was so naive to the Medley on Side Two.  I grew up in a different age, the digital age, and I grew accustomed to listening to those song separately, arranging my own interpretation. 

This summer I drove around with the windows down blaring a mix my friend had made for our Beatlesmania class.  Their songs cover so many emotions, they fit into my playlists so well.  They fit into my drive home so well. They are just the best and that justifies my rambling. 

I will come back and return to my book topic later when my brain isn't crashing.

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posted by Songs of Love at 11:12 PM |