Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The mysterious ways of the universe finds you drowning in despair one day and drowning in snot the next.  No matter how hard you are on yourself, a fun cold or sinus infection will bring out your will to live, and get better.

It was a true sinus infection and then it became a true nuisance. I miss the ability to breathe during the day. Or the ability to keep my voice in the afternoon. And I think it’s the worst that there aren’t cats at work. My stress would be so much less with a purr machine lying on all my papers or blocking the keyboard. Work’s cancelled until your cat boss is finished napping! Like losing the internet at work!

Really though, the cats are the ones keeping my spirits up. They take turns cuddling me to sleep and it’s the best.
posted by Songs of Love at 9:21 PM |