November 2018
So much has changed this year. I still can’t believe it’s all true. I am very fortunate, in so many ways. Stressed to the max with this giant jump, or rather level up, in adulthood. But my stomach settled back down so it’s manageable.
Stress can really wreck your body. I spent so long ignoring it and not treating it properly. It still upsets me how much I let my health decline from my stress. My work gave us a treat yourself bonus so I spent some on myself. I never saw myself as the cosmetic procedure type. That was the kind of thing that made me feel uncomfortable and different at my previous dermatologist. I think I judged too quickly. I did that a lot, judge others before they can judge me. Well I was clearly not properly educated. There’s so much out there now to slow the aging process without having to go under the knife or needle.
I’m hoping to wring out the rest of that stress before the year is over. Hopefully I’ll have my interior project and fence finished by Christmas. Moving won’t be as stressful with those two items crossed out.
Found this in my draft box from last year. I got a chemical peel to rejuvenate my face and I really did not see any true positive reaction. Just a lot of peeling. Anyway, posting now because it’s good to remember moments like these. Treat your body with respect. Don’t judge others if you haven’t walked in their shoes with their emotional, physical, and social factors.
I’ve been so boxed up lately. Even if I don’t want to share with others, I need to strive to be more compassionate.