Friday, October 31, 2008
I have become obsessed with Ryan Adams. Not enough for Lindsay to start punching me in the face, but probably enough to annoy Red on our car ride to Kennesaw. It'll be fun seeing her again, but I think Leslie's home and I don't know what my schedule looks like on Saturday. I hope it's fairly clear so that we can hang out.

I just realized it the other day, but if I dye my hair a different shade of red, I'll be the last one from my high school group to do it. Saulser went red freshman year or was it over the summer? Red had that red streak in her hair that stayed pink for forever. Now Leslie has reddish hair. Crazy, it's like the 90's all over again.

Back to Ryan Adams though. Like all good music, I'm pretty sure I first heard of him through Kings of Leon, and have been listening to some of it for a long time, but thanks to Alex, Lindsay, and Red I have this new bigger collection that puts the biggest smile on my face.

Side story: I came home and Charlotte feels like she's been gaining weight left and right. So I sat her down, turned on Ryan adams, and brushed her. No wonder she felt so heavy! I collected a gerbil sized ball of fur from her...and I didn't even give her an extensive combing. She should start clothing runaway gerbils and hamsters, you know, the ones who are so used to the luxurious life of the cage that they don't realize they're gonna freeze their bums off out there in the real outdoors.

I've been talking about change for a long time. The tv's been talking about it too. I usually hate change, like, it looks good on other people but I don't wear it well. I'm ready to get rid of that idea. On Tuesday I'll be standing in lines too long to cast my vote for change. Next Friday I'll be downtown, raising money for change and...dancing (?). Today I started out small though, I got my hair cut and woke up early on a day that I could have slept in.
Change is coming. I think it's time to throw a dance party for it!


posted by Songs of Love at 3:34 PM |


At October 31, 2008 at 4:17 PM, Blogger Unknown said........
Let's PLEASE have a Dance Party for Change.

At November 1, 2008 at 10:26 PM, Blogger Songs of Love said........
Sweet! Thursday? Wednesday? Saturday? I think I could gather a few cool people for one intense underground dance party event.

I just watched Center Stage 2 tonight, it premiered on Oxygen, so I'm fresh on all the cool new hip hop/ballet moves that cool people in new york use in fake tv clubs!

At November 1, 2008 at 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said........
everyone knows that the best dance party seen comes from the movie HONEY which really inspires me to get on my hip-hopin grooves and be lil' romeo (or bow wow's) girl

At November 1, 2008 at 11:06 PM, Blogger Songs of Love said........
Oh you're coming to the dance party, most definitely, supplying the Crystal Castles. We're gonna need to have a work out session at your house where we learn the moves to that dance in Honey and I try to teach you what else I know. But you're gonna have to invite Bow Wow & lil' romeo to the party, cause I don't have those connections yet...