I went through this phase, which was way too long for my liking, where I just couldn't listen to The Format. It's crazy, it was horrible, but it happened.
Today I was itching to do three things.
1. Listen to The Format
2. Write
3. Study
I blame the studying on my upcoming midterm, and The Format definitely put me in the mood to write. If I were to go on a ledge, I'd say that I haven't listened to The Format because it inspires me. I've had no time to write, nevertheless edit, and I think deep down I was just worried that my creative juices have all been squeezed out and everything I write is bound to have the same unsettling ending because I'm just not in the mood to give my characters happy endings.
I write the same four stories month after month. Maybe I'll write a chapter in a month. Maybe I'll get around to editing a few scenes. I used to share bits. I used to ask others for advice. The problem is that my characters develop with the music that influences me, and I haven't necessarily heard the right songs for each story.
I don't refer to my stories by titles, but rather by character. And the trouble with The Format is that they inspire me to write about Sierra, which is just difficult balancing her optimism with her depression. I want my characters to make a difference. It just sucks that I take so much away from them.
So my thoughts, crazy and...insane, as always, is that I peer pressure my old creative writing class to the best of my ability into meeting again, like we had planned to, and get back to sharing. Lindsay's in, Haley loves the idea, and then I hit a speed bump because I never talk to anyone else. If it's a success I'll have a forum to share my work, an opportunity to be blown away and feel like my work sucks in comparison, and then the drive to write better. Oh dear, I need your help.