Thursday, June 18, 2009
I think I cut my pants like little girls cut their hair, impulsively.
Except I use a ruler and tape.

I was having a conversation at work with Jessica and Margit about the music being played at Bolton and how much better it must have been when the student employees were allowed to bring in their own CDs to play. I don't think I even stressed how excited mixtapes make me, but we were all just talking and came up with the idea to exchange mixtapes. Being obsessed, I started organizing it and talking like we were going to do it and then once it was organized we couldn't pass it up. It was really fun asking people to participate. I'm pretty sure everyone we asked said yes. I want to put so much on it but i don't know how to stop myself, so this could turn our terrible or wonderful.

Maybe I'll theme it to get rid of the fear of trying to meet anyone's expectations.
posted by Songs of Love at 1:09 AM |