Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Dear NBC,
Thank you for putting your tv shows online for free viewing. However, I cannot bear to listen to your sponsor's commercial any longer. Kettle One, FUCK YOU!

Gentlemen, this is vodka.
Really? Am I living under some kind of rock or is vodka really only a man's drink? I was under the distinct impression that women were still very marketable for vodka. Yet Kettle One's two versions of this ad are based around the tradition of being male. What tradition is that exactly? I don't see a tradition. I see inherited ideas, physical development, and insecurity in one's sexuality.

I do love their song choice, however. Spread Your Love by Black Motorcycle Club is full of the double meaning that without using the words, this ad sadly misses. Love is used here like many of the great poets have used it before. Use your imagination.
What I find amusing, however, is that among all of this sexual lust and passion lies the line, She gave her love like a sister. That's a little inappropriate, don't you think?
posted by Songs of Love at 1:24 AM |