I think the problem people face when they've realized they haven't become who they expected they'd be is that they think they are the sole contributor to their personal development. That it's the things they do and say that affect their growth. People should look outwardly more often. Perhaps then they would see that it is other people who shape your development as a person. It's the influence of others, the opportunities provided, the emotions shared. You're not going to stay the same person you were five years ago because you will adapt not only who you perceive you want to be but also what you want in life. I have no idea who I'll be in five years. I'm sure I'll be morally similar, maybe my interests will change and the people I surround myself with won't look the same as it does in college, but I know that I will only develop and mature. When I look back on this year I'll have a lot of fond memories and maybe a wave of emotion, but the sting of heartbreak and disappointment will be faded into something much more bearable.