Friday, December 10, 2010
I want to cut off my hair and get real ugly. No make-up, just perfect hair. I had perfect hair again today.

I met some girls tonight who are the tan obsessed type. Not the always ridiculously tan type, but the type that wants to have some color all year long. Melissa and I prized our pale skin. One of these new girls told me that I had a good complexion, for being pale, and that it worked on me. She would be happy to see that same pale color next summer, after I spend the winter wearing sweatshirts and socks and boots and colored tights and tons of layers.

Girls say being single is a good thing, you can do all the things you couldn't and you can go on a kissing spree kissing tons of new boys. I've already done that, I don't want to go back to that. I found what I want and it was never limiting. I was happy.

Mom says to listen to happy music to cheer me up. I know Lindsay would tell me to stay away from the Rilo Kiley. It pains my heart to even think about listening to Rilo Kiley, but I can't relate to happy music. I tried to find loud angry music, but I don't really have that. I burst out crying at the beginning of 99 Problems, so that will take some time to get back to. I couldn't get myself back into Camera Obscura for a long while but it felt perfect this afternoon.

People say to take time. Don't talk. Let things simmer and give people time to think about what's happened from a different frame of mind. But I can't stay silent. And I'd hate to become one of those sad girls who tells the internet all of her problems, but I don't give a shit as long as I have perfect hair.

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posted by Songs of Love at 1:58 AM |