Monday, March 21, 2011
A long time ago I held all of the bad things in until they weakened me. Then I found someone who could comfort me during the worst of the bad things. It's hard to stay strong when the natural disasters of your life strike. Having someone to hold onto you, pull your hair back and whisper I'm here is so simple but sometimes the only thing you need.

I've been trying to mend things back myself but I still fall when everything builds up against me. This week taught me that I have so many people to lean on and call on. Still, separating from them today was hard. A lot harder after the events of last night. I wanted so badly to call on that one person today. I wanted to feel the pieces come back together in the safety of his arms, but I'm afraid he's lost the glue...or I'm not allowed to ask for the glue? We promised to still be there if it was something really important, but I couldn't bear to ask for help.

I wish I had a comfort mix that worked as well as comfort food. My throat is swollen from today so I haven't been able to swallow comfort foods. Fitz's purring has helped me calm down some, but I really wish I had someone to fall asleep against.


posted by Songs of Love at 12:56 AM |