Monday, May 27, 2013
I'm so busy at work that the rest of my life is kind of a blur. Lots of migraines.  A few colds from spending so much time out in the rain with Tess.

My grandparents are in town and I can't even sleep at my parents house or stay there too long because Charlotte is still not okay with Tess and I don't want to leave Tess alone for so long.

Meanwhile I feel alone all the time.  I have a lot of time to think on all those long dog walks.  I mostly think about how I would rather be hanging out with the people I care about.

It was my best friend's birthday this weekend and she didn't invite me up.  But her other best friend was there so yeah, I am totally jealous.  I'm always so incredibly jealous of my friends.

What has happened to me and why can't I behave normally anymore?


posted by Songs of Love at 1:30 AM |