Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Found a gem in a YA book to ponder over. The book is called The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon.

"Human beings are not reasonable creatures. Instead of being ruled by logic, we are ruled by emotions. The world would be a happier place if the opposite were true," (Yoon 47).

Like logically I would have gone to bed early, had my dad drive me to work so that I would be early & catch up on my work there. Instead I stayed up organizing my email & creating a host packet and wound up tired as hell this morning. And yes, my parents are driving me to and from work while I'm in the cast. I can't turn my wrist and so my reaction time with my left hand is too slow to keep up with the aggressive drivers on my commute.

Anyway, I am all emotion. Even my memory is emotion based rather than fact based. Would logic all the way make me happier though? If logic incites happiness, an emotion, can it really be said it rules without it?

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posted by Songs of Love at 1:51 PM |