Thursday, December 14, 2017
I love this song.  Even though Doug Martsch doesn't have the most beautiful voice, there is this delicate balance he creates in this song between rough, scratchy vocals and this vulnerable, drawn out confession.  He does this with the two key words in the song, terrible and perfect.

The rest of the song is hardly delicate or soft.  I have in fact described it as a "clangy/clashy song,"  when I was struggling with word recall. Unpolished, the opposite of clean, definitely not girly.  It's one of the songs that I'm trying to use as my "vision board" for a new playlist, Less Girly.

The playlist is an attempt to get away from love songs.  Love songs are great, don't get me wrong.  I just don't try that hard to listen to new bands (or even newer songs) these days, and everything in my collection feels used.  Like I can't reassociate love songs with new people.  I would never regift a mix or associate the same song with multiple guys.

Most love songs make you feel happy and good, though.  I need more of that.  I would just rather have that without being reminded I'm lonely though, thus Less Girly.  They can still be about love, (I think Terrible/Perfect reflects on two widely acknowledged views of love), and hope and heartbreak and possibilities, but they also need to be about more than just love.

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posted by Songs of Love at 10:57 PM |