Sunday, December 10, 2017
I can be pretty dumb.  When depression does find me, I close myself off.  I don't remember ever sitting any of my friends down and telling them what I was going through.  Did I ever tell you?  Sometimes I think it's those old friendships that visit Libby, to check in on what's new in my life, since I never call them up to talk about it.

I went to St. Augustine to visit my old friend in October.  I am so much more than just grateful that she invited me to visit her.  It wasn't like we picked up our friendship where we left off, because we don't have that anymore.  I got real weird and different and our friendship felt real damaged for years.  And still she invited me back.

We went to a concert like old times, except we walked there from her house.  We went for a walk on the beach one morning and collected trash and recycling to keep it from going back out into the ocean.  We went to explore the historical side of town and she gave me a guided tour.

I never expected myself to love living in the country so much. I didn't realize there was so much to discover about myself.  Meanwhile, living down in a sunny beach town, my old friend still has so much in common with this new me.  She has always been cooler than me though, so of course she's been at this longer than me.  I am grateful for all that she's shared with me - on composting, beekeeping, and how to keep an orchid alive and blooming.

I don't know if I can do that drive again by myself anytime soon, but if I am going to continue on this part of bettering myself and finding the good and the light and the ones I love, then I am going to try. Maybe we can make it a long weekend.

Side Note: I couldn't write this post about St. Augustine and not use an Avett Brothers song for the title, but if this post could have two unrelated songs, then it would also be Car by Built to Spill.

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posted by Songs of Love at 12:27 AM |