Wednesday, January 10, 2018
It's my humble opinion that Kings of Leon started out as true southern rock and album, by album, pressed themselves to create something more mainstream and less raw.  Youth and Young Manhood, however, is more sex on fire than Sex on Fire.  It's sexual tension and literally youth, and young manhood in music form.  As far as my female perspective is concerned.

Although, the video for Wasted Time seems like some pretty good supporting evidence.

There was this time that my friend Sebastian and I would fight over the better album, Aha Shake Heartbreak (my choice) and Youth and Young Manhood (his).  ASH has remained my choice for several years, over a decade actually.  It takes me to this place inside my head that is pure joy, except for Velvet Snow which will always be a taste of hell in my heaven.  Later though, when I assume my hormones caught up to Seb's,  I began to see the greater appeal of Y&YM.  That frenzied energy can boost moods, distract you from a bland day, and shake a short dance party out of you.  It also just feels sexier.  What can I say, I like a good accent.

My darling you look lovely.


posted by Songs of Love at 10:44 PM |