Monday, February 26, 2018
When this song started playing at the start of this week's The Walking Dead episode, it brought all the emotions.  So much more than Carl's death could. Last week three of my dad's high school friends passed away.  Sometimes stories stay buried when they're not shared.  An end like this one can bring those up.  I learned a lot about my dad from asking questions I never considered were relevant to him.  From differentiating my father from the person he was before me.

There's just so much death everywhere though.  Never stopping, just as new life keeps coming.  So I'm turning back to my garden.  I planted the first seeds in my self watering seed starter.  I am still trying to find those little packets to share my seeds back to the library.  And for better storage.  I have so many pepper and basil seeds. This year I think it's time for a new way to share them.


posted by Songs of Love at 9:46 PM |