Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Did you notice the daffodils bloomed last week? Daffodil's remind me of UGA's North campus and  of a Latin professor I once had.  He would bring freshly picked daffodils from his garden to class and he would have us pass it around and smell it.  He was an interesting fellow.  I think he was in is 70's or 80's when he taught me.  He had a pure joy for life, for Latin, for daffodils, for the harpsichord.

I want more pure joy in my life.  I found myself thinking about this song this afternoon after work, so I drove home singing to it.  My throat felt raw after singing alone the first time, but it's so beautiful, so I put it on repeat until my voice was nearly gone.  There's just so much emotion in this song, so much passion.  I think it would be a really pretty duet.  And that way you could have enough time to catch your breath before you're giving your all to the next verse.  I mean, how can you not give your all to the line, "when you take me in your arms and drive me slowly out of my mind."  I may not be a good singer, but I love singing this song.  The way your voice runs over the notes.  That's not the right term for it, it's been a while since I was in a chorus, so I don't know the right terminology.  All I can really say is it feels like pure joy.

Never, never, never let me go.

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posted by Songs of Love at 11:24 PM |