Friday, February 2, 2018
Today marks 66 days of using my bone growth stimulator. Two more weeks before I can see the progress on my x-rays again. Not something I will frame & put on the wall, but I do keep my x-ray copies in sheet protectors. The PA has even started printing a copy of my newest x-ray next to a copy of my last x-ray for comparison. I'm so glad my doctor is at the Johns Creek location more. Lawrenceville was never convenient, but this office is literally on my way to work. And the staff is great.

I was listening to this song on my drive home & conducting/playing/dancing along. I tried the drum part with both my hands for like 3 beats and then caught myself. Or the pain caught me. So no crazy dramatics yet. The drummer from Kings of Leon had surgery on his wrist the day before or after I did. This was his second wrist surgery too. I can't imagine what it's like to not be able to do what you love for so long. I also wonder what kind of bone growth stimulator he uses, what his x-rays look like, see how better the service is when you have a lot of money (and are pretty famous). Like did he ask other rock stars for their preferred surgeon? Is there one guy (or girl) out there making a living repairing famous drummers? Could be.

Anyway, I vaguely pursued this line of questioning on social media and got no response. If anyone ever finds out, drop me a line!

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posted by Songs of Love at 7:28 PM |