Friday, January 19, 2018
My head is not in the right space this week.  I have two modes - workaholic and confused, hopeless romantic.

I kind of really need to be a workaholic this week though.  There is so much that needs to be done and I don't want to fall behind.  I get to balance that a little with a celebration of new life this weekend, i.e. a chance for me to oogle cute baby clothes and continue my search for boy baby clothes that embrace cats.  Yes, I am that kind of aunt.  Yes, the best kind of aunt.

It's so weird to think in two months I'll have another baby in my life.  I was actually excited for my neice to become a toddler so that she could talk and we could become best friends.  Maybe having a sibling will bond us faster.

I should be able to hold a cute little baby in April.  I mean, they are really tiny in the beginning so it should work out.

Be still my heart.  A new soul is coming.

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posted by Songs of Love at 12:09 AM |