Saturday, January 27, 2018
I needed this weekend to really relax, so this morning I slept in and then read, and then read the next short story, and the next much longer one.  Next thing you know I've spent my whole morning quietly reading, not talking to anyone, and still feeling extremely pissy about a dream.  The dreams I have are so emotion driven. 

This dream though.  Curiosity killed the dreamer.  I mean, I didn't die in the dream, other than in the sense of that "I'm about to die of humiliation" feeling.  Just in the sense that curiosity often times fucks with your secret day dreams and any bit of happiness that was hidden away pinned to a dream that can easily be popped by an actual dream.

This dream was not the most painful one I've ever had, but when I woke up I felt so gross. I acted like a crazy and sick individual in this dream. I was insanely jealous, I was possibly insane. I know the only reason I did that shit was because it was a dream and I was not actually in control.

I felt: like crap about myself, check; jealous, check; uncomfortable, check; upset, check; crazy, check; pissed off, check.  Just because you have feelings for someone does not mean anything will ever come of them.  Just because you care about someone does not mean you're in love with them. Right?

Sometimes I just want what I can't have.  Sometimes words can't always describe a feeling.  That's why I prefer mixtapes.

Edit: Sometimes I talk too much.

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posted by Songs of Love at 4:47 PM |