Tuesday, March 17, 2009
My post disappeared and I spent forever on it. It pretty much went like this:

Someone once said that you should write every day to keep tabs of your life. Then when you look back at it you can find inspiration for your writing. I get too lost to write every day.

Since I haven't found a tracker for this site, I have no idea who comes and who actually reads my writing. This is just a huge outlet for me, some place I can deposit all of my extra little thoughts. It warms my heart when other people say they've read it, because it makes me feel like my voice has been heard by someone. I forget that I can actually help others though.
"Your blog always makes me so happy, even if it's not a happy blog. I don't know why. I just like reading your writing." - Lindsey

Limbo is consuming me despite everything I try to do to stop it. I haven't been present for most conversations lately, but I can't tell you where I've been. I've lost myself. I built myself a solid 5 day schedule, with something to do every day and night, and I still manage to slip out the back door and run fast and far until I don't know where I've gone to. I didn't even go to Latin today, and when I got home I slept from 5:20 to 10:18. I missed everything. I had my mother worried.

You know how sometimes when you start seeing someone new you start to lose your identity? You get so wrapped up in someone else that you forget who you are and who you want to be. This is nothing like that. This is lost in the folds of a map, lost in the meaning of a song, so far deep in thought that you need to put your brights on to see me. My anxiety is consuming me, pushing me farther into limbo. I might not get into my major. I don't have a back up plan. I never have a safety net. I'm not falling, I'm just running farther and farther into the night sky.
Shooting star and the ambulance, both fly by, one takes the highway, one takes the sky.
Am I the passenger or am I the pilot in this life?
posted by Songs of Love at 12:04 AM |