Sunday, March 8, 2009
Friday work was playing the 90's radio station and this song came on. It reminds me of the 90's and of road trips and Fairfax. Now she feels safe in this bar on Fairfax. Even though it's not the same, I grew up in Fairfax, Virginia and I first heard this song while living in Fairfax. I feel like a little girl when I hear this song.

I saw Watchmen with my family after church today.......yeah. Bad idea. Afterwards I banged my head on the car door, third time in less than two weeks, and I still have the fading headache to prove it. I came home and began writing fractions of my work. A little Sierra, a little Lily. I guess I'm waiting for a name to fall out of the sky and land in front of the face, but so far nothing has come to mind to replace Lily. It's not the right name, it's not her, but I can't change it yet. As with all of my characters, she's still twisting out of my fingers and molding herself into a new person. I have to see where she takes this story.

I've decided The Killer's Hot Fuss and Manchester Orchestra's Like A Virgin Losing A Child are the newest soundtracks to these works. Hot Fuss reminds me of high school, of where Lily is struggling to be. Manchie reminds me of this feeling, this fleeting, fighting, wanting more feeling.

I want to taking my writing to some level, I want it to be good. I want it to tell the stories everyone else is holding back, fighting, and censoring. And I want life in every word to the extent that it's absurd. I want, I want, I want. I digress.

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posted by Songs of Love at 9:51 PM |