Good comes to those who wait and cry and recycle and use turn signals and, um, buy houses. Right? That’s how that phrase goes? Right?
My hair is long and a bright red and I feel young-ish. Kismet, you have finally come back to me! I’m doing a little happy dance listening to Phonetics because time is about to flip, turn and reverse it. This time before Christmas when adult children return home to celebrate with their families is the perfect time. It really is! Quite genius! And now I can have a ‘so ten years ago’ reunion with a few rad girls and guys.
Part of me wants to time travel with bright tights and thick boots and short skirts. And then the other part of me is worried about rain and is it possible to get down in heavy rain boots? Also my one friend is much shorter than I am and I don’t really want to tower over her at our reunion.
And at the sight of your name, only the good things remain.