Saturday, April 6, 2019
The difference is so fantastic that I wouldn’t have believed it. How much doing what you love makes you feel like you’ve come alive. Like this is the life that matters most. Where loss and destruction isn’t a travesty, but an educational growing point. Who would I be if I had met just one east campus agriculture kid that I could connect to? Would I have gotten here sooner?

It’s not that I want to give up everything to garden or farm or leave the city and culture behind. I want to coexist in it. I went to a symposium by the University of Georgia’s Master Gardeners and it was so wonderful! There was so much to learn, so much I was surprised even I could share, and so many great people to relate to. 

There were, however, only five people who you could easily distinguish were under 40.  Two guys, two girls, and me. And we all seemed to be there with a mother or grandmother, though I didn’t realize it at first. The grandson helped his wheelchair bound grandmother, but attended some classes without her. One of the girls seemed to be totally on her own; it wasn’t until the very end that I realized her mom was helping work the event. I drifted from my mom occasionally, but we agreed to go to the same classes. I surprised her with a ticket as an early mother’s day gift. She won a door prize, we got free seeds, and she found a lilac bush (she has apparently been “looking” for one since we moved to Georgia twenty two years ago). But I can’t talk! I found Snake plants that I’ve been searching for not very hard for the past two years. 
posted by Songs of Love at 8:45 PM |