Friday, March 22, 2019
This week had so many great moments, but it felt like it just kept getting worse and worse. I can’t wait to spend the next two days working on my garden. It’s one of the most peaceful places I can go. Even when it needs a lot of work. Maybe especially when it needs a lot of work. I’m behind the general suggested timeline for my zone, but I started some seeds this week. I have a few flowering plants I can start from seed in containers so I did that too. I even put my cactus kit together finally. I wonder if cactus seeds can survive four years and still create sustainable cacti. 

My purple orchid bloomed, two of the five buds. My white orchid is still in bloom. I am ready for spring. Even my hair is ready, looking a little brighter without any help. The freckles on my cheeks hit fast. I’m going to have to start bringing my daytime moisturizer to work & reapplying at lunch or before my drive home. I need that SPF. 

This song came on one morning on my way to work as I passed a few small livestock farms. It’s a great night drive song, but it felt just as right in the country. A turkey was on the other side of the road. Well, actually, in the road. Very much alive. Daring cars to get close to him. That’s actually my second sighting of him. Both times he acted like he owned the road. 

Where am I living? What am I doing? Why does it make me so happy? Why can’t I remember that and hold on to that when other things start to sour?

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posted by Songs of Love at 11:33 PM |