Monday, November 17, 2008
Memorable events from today:
Trip, trip down the stairs.
Scrape, scrape the shins.
Cut, cut the knee.
Bleed, bleed in my jeans.

Memorable quotes:
"Did you just rip a hole in your jeans?" - H
"Yeah." - Me
"Well that's kinda cool. You ripped your jeans instead of letting the stores do that for you." - M
"Yeah, I'm the only one who makes tears in my jeans, I don't buy them that way." - Me
"Oh." - M

"I'd rather make that bus than wash out my scrapes." -Me (in determination to get off campus)

"Didn't you see me fall?" - Me to M
"No. One moment you were up and the next you were down on the floor." - M
"Ground." - Me
"I saw the whole thing in slow mo. I thought you were going to stop falling and that's when you fell down on your knees." - Haley
"Then why didn't you save me!" - M

Today is one of those final resort days. Like going home and switching to nerdy glasses, taking a nap while icing my legs, and hoping around the apartment instead of the immense pain normal walking gives. I only exaggerate a little, thank you.
posted by Songs of Love at 5:50 PM |